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Dedicated to bringing technology to market.

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What we do

Corran Toohill is a Trans-Pacific advisory and investment firm founded in Silicon Valley in 2006 and now based in Sydney.

We are your venture partner for innovative technology and business models.  We can help you tap into the Silicon Valley ecosystem and thought process, or create new investment strategies.

The firm advises investors, corporations, growth companies, R&D institutions and governments to help them  understand and capitalise on business model and technology disruption.

  • Synthesise the impact of technology, social and economic trends on business.
  • Catalyse the creation of game changing ideas.
  • Develop entrepreneurial strategies for growth and adaptation.
  • Mentor, coach and inspire teams to reach full potential.
  • Influence internal & external stakeholders with thought leadership.
  • Leverage global network to create new opportunities and synergies.

Services include strategic advice, due diligence, market research, strategic business development and operational development.

Corran Toohill also provides a bridge into the US market for Australian investors, universities and entrepreneurs; plus Australian market specific expertise for US investors and companies.

We also provide full cycle investment management services for funds, corporations and sophisticated investors.

The current investment focus is on blockchain and IOT across multiple industry sectors.  The firm seeks to create an investment triumvirate between Australia, Silicon Valley and China to foster investment in Australian technology companies.

In keeping with the strategy developed at CalCEF, the firm supports ecosystem development across the policy, investment, technology and commercial spheres to support success.

Since most business is by referral, we don't have a conventional corporate website (just this blog). If you want more informationdon't hesitate to contact us using the secure email.